Get My Poetry Book

Sunday 18 November 2012

Welcome To All

Hello there! I am Ashley as you can already see at the top of my blog. Not too sure where to start to be honest, because I promised myself this blog is strictly for all things book worthy from promoting myself, reviewing others and giving helpful hints and tips that I find good to follow. I was blogging about my book on my personal blog where I usually blog about my family, life, friends and beliefs. I just felt it was time to keep my author part of my life out of that blog and focus it all on here and focus my family and friends on the other. So therefore here I am, writing this now and hoping to encourage and inspire all author's and potential unpublished author's as well. Feel free to ask me any questions. I will answer them truthfully and to the best of my knowledge of the topic itself. And if I don't know, I will blatantly tell you I don't, but will make it my duty to find out for myself to know so I can give you an answer. So come on into my blog and stay a while and browse around and have fun.

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