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Saturday 22 June 2013

Into The Wild

I watched the movie named in post title, which I found to be extremely amazing and encouraging. A guy age of 21 takes off after graduation from college to live as he called himself in the movie a 'Tramp.' Basically travelling anywhere's and everywhere's and taking what ever job hand only worked long enough to get a few pay cheque's just to buy survival gear to live out in the wilderness. All because he wanted to write a book about living on his own in the wilderness, but didn't want to make anything up ficticiously and lived it so he could write about his own experiences and the things he has encountered.
What really has me loving this whole thing is the fact he would do all of this just to have the chance to write a good book, which he did along the way as a certain turn of events would happen or take place. How dedicated he was just to write his own story that was true! If only more of us author's had something true to write about, instead of fiction or imaginary things, but by doing so and go to the extra lengths to live what you want to write about, even if you didn't live it, but you made it possible to live that way or experience that particular thing you want to write about happen in your life, only to make it true. That would be a much more better read than any fiction novel ( note I have nothing against fiction in any way ), I just love that this man did this just to make his book revolve around something real.
Only part that I did not like is the fact that he did die in real life and some hunters found him in his make shift house out of a stranded old school bus. At least he wrote all of this down for the world to know, because look where it got him even in death. His story not only most likely got published (not sure if it were published or not, only watched the movie), but to even have your story become a movie. I am sure this guy would be proud of he were alive.
Of course I can't think of the name of this fellow right now if my life depended upon it, but I am sure all you would have to do is google search 'Into The Wild,' and enough information will be provided to you.

Sunday 30 December 2012


So I have been negligent on posting on this particular blog lately, due to Christmas being such a hassle and what not. So I am here writing to keep as updated as possible. I have nothing to give you as to whether I have a book on the go or not, I am writing something, but not sure if it worthy to be published right now. Although, I am still also writing my poetry often. There is a possibility of myself publishing another poetry book of mine as oppose to any of the novels I have going on.
Since there is nothing interesting I can really say as for my writing and what not. This blog is however, meant for other things like posted in the description of it above. So I am going to share a book or two with you that I have had the chance of reading lately.
I read this book called Pink and it is written by Lily Wilkinson. The book is very witty, funny and captivating. I don't want to give too much away, but it is about a girl who is very smart and is also a lesbian with this girl Chloe, but even in the lesbian world/community she doesn't feel she fits in with her girl friends friends at the gay clubs, cafes etc. So she enrolls herself into a progressive school thinking she may fit in with people that are more high IQ like herself. However, there are hardly any people at this new school who dress like she does in the black so she buys all new wardrobe that consists of very bright and colorful clothes, mainly pink. So that people won't figure her out as a lesbian. She hides this new look from Chloe and gets some what involved with a guy and a lot of things take place that crumble some friendships and some what ruins her relationship with her girl friend also. Anyways that's all I am saying about this book. I don't want to give it all away. To find out more go to your local library, or go buy it at your local bookstore.
Another book I read is called Girls and is written by Tucker Shaw. This book is all about boarding school, which is really interesting, but although I feel I can't write much about it or anything I say will give things away that happens in this book. There isn't anything I can say that is safe with out ruining the whole story, but all I can say to you is if you like the typical books that are about boarding school with boyfriends, gossip and all that, I am sure you will like it. It is sort of similar to the It Girl book if you have read that book which that book is written by Cecily Vonzieger.
Well I best be on my way for now. This author has a little toddle to tend to.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Welcome To All

Hello there! I am Ashley as you can already see at the top of my blog. Not too sure where to start to be honest, because I promised myself this blog is strictly for all things book worthy from promoting myself, reviewing others and giving helpful hints and tips that I find good to follow. I was blogging about my book on my personal blog where I usually blog about my family, life, friends and beliefs. I just felt it was time to keep my author part of my life out of that blog and focus it all on here and focus my family and friends on the other. So therefore here I am, writing this now and hoping to encourage and inspire all author's and potential unpublished author's as well. Feel free to ask me any questions. I will answer them truthfully and to the best of my knowledge of the topic itself. And if I don't know, I will blatantly tell you I don't, but will make it my duty to find out for myself to know so I can give you an answer. So come on into my blog and stay a while and browse around and have fun.